Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Just a few things

  1. Martin is finally feeling better. I’m taking him back to Purdue this week for a recheck ultrasound of his heart and kidneys. We’re expecting good news. After all, he picked a fight with Pretzel and then cuddled on my lap last night.sleeping on my lap
  2. I am officially half-way pregnant. Okay, I’m all the way pregnant. But I’m halfway through pregnancy. Or, to put it a different way, Baby Doc is half-cooked. (But certainly not half-sized!)
  3. Farmer Doc is starting to cut our hay this week. He would have liked to cut it two weeks ago, but we’ve had too much rain. So this week it it. (Good thing I’m going to be out of town anyway, it’s “farm widow” season around here!) cutting hay
  4. My belly is starting to get in the way. I bumped it on the kitchen counter over the weekend when I was washing dishes, and then I walked into the bar stools. I guess I’m going to have to start paying closer attention to how much space I’m taking up…
  5. My back is starting to hurt. I wonder if that’s related to #4?
  6. The county fair is coming, just over a month away. That means that as soon as the hay is all put up and I’m not a farm widow anymore, I’ll be a fair widow. Last year, we had Hunter Hayes as our headline concert. The incomparable Uncle Dave introduced him! Uncle Dave announcing
  7. I’m leaving town during part of the fair this year, too.
  8. We don’t have our garden planted yet. Maybe between hay teddings this weekend…
  9. Farmer Doc did build the frame for my raised herb garden. There’s nothing in it yet (not even dirt). Another project for between teddings…herb garden frame

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you're keeping busy. And congrats on being at the halfway mark. I'm impressed that you're still managing to do as much traveling as you have been. Glad to hear that Martin is doing better.


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